Thursday, May 31, 2012

Wrecking Cincinnati: 1805 Baltimore Ave

NEIGHBORHOOD: South Fairmount
USE: Single-family dwelling
OWNER: Bartley Thomas Jr.
HAZARD: July 2009, adding soffits and weeds.
CONDEMNED: October 2008, for gutters and downspouts, chimney, siding, front porch, windows, and exterior paint. Re-issued in December 2008.
ORDERS: July 2006, ordered barricaded and vacated. Re-issued to new owner in September 2006.
REASON RAZED: Declared a public nuisance and entered into the City's hazard abatement program.

Wrecking Cincinnati: 3756 Warsaw Ave

USE: Two-family dwelling
OWNER: Priceview LLC
HAZARD: April 2011.
CONDEMNED: October 2006, following a fire on September 28, 2006, which caused $40,000 in damage to the residential portion of the property. Re-issued to current owner in February 2007. Criminal case pursued in June 2009, but dismissed due to statute of limitations. Condemnation re-issued in July 2009, building open to trespassers. A second criminal case was filed, but dismissed in February 2011 for want of prosecution.
REASON RAZED: Declared a public nuisance and entered into the City's hazard abatement program.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Master plan completed, Blue Ash issues RFQ for Airport Park

With the master plan completed, the City of Blue Ash has issued requests for qualifications for professional design, civil engineering, and construction management services for Phase I of the $20 million, 130-acre Blue Ash Airport Park.

Phase I of the project, estimated to cost $13.5 million, includes site preparation, utilities and infrastructure – including design improvements to ; the construction of a one-story, 7,000-square-foot park pavilion, a 7,000-square-foot shell restaurant facility that can accommodate a future bistro, and a connecting 10,000-square-foot park commons canopy; a seven-story observation tower with a 120-by-80-foot stage pad; and hike-bike trails.

Nominations for endangered Ohio sites due June 8

Lovers of Ohio's historic but endangered built environment have until June 8 to nominate their favorite sites for inclusion on Preservation Ohio's Most Endangered Historic Sites 2012 list.

The list is meant to bring public attention to significant pieces of Ohio history in danger of being lost due to human action, deterioration, or other causes.

Wrecking Cincinnati: 3738 Hillside Ave

USE: Single-family dwelling
OWNER: Eric W. Furman III
HAZARD: December 2010.
CONDEMNED: June 2009, open to trespassers and heavily vandalized. The building had a collapsing chimney, rotting walls, water damage, a failing deck, falling cornice, poor gutters and downspouts, hazardous stairs, missing and damaged siding, and missing/hazardous handrails and guardrails, as well as high weeds and an interior filled with trash. Criminal status.
REASON RAZED: Declared a public nuisance and entered into the City's hazard abatement program.

MSD completes Lick Run plan

Following more than a year of public input, the --> --> --> has completed its , its roadmap for reducing the negative impacts of Cincinnati's largest combined sewer overflow (CSO).

The plan recommends the "daylighting" of the buried Lick Run Creek within in South Fairmount.

Registration open for Paint the Town in Cheviot

Registration is now open for the eleventh annual Paint the Town event, being held on June 9 in Cheviot.

Organized by Give Back Cincinnati, the single-day event brings together more than 1,000 volunteers to paint the exteriors of 40 houses for owners who are physically or financially unable to do so themselves. Houses are selected through an application process, with the goal of acting as a catalyst for the beautification of the entire community.

Wrecking Cincinnati: 332 Erkenbrecher Ave

USE: Charity/hospital/retirement home
OWNER: Erkenbrecher Properties LLC (Ronald McDonald House)
REASON RAZED: Razed by adjacent property owner Ronald McDonald House, with no plans for the property announced.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Contested Lower Price Hill riverfront site approved for recreation, housing

Now that a lawsuit with Queensgate Terminals over a proposed barge-to-rail facility on Lower Price Hill's riverfront has been settled, work to bring housing and recreational uses to the site has begun.

Last Wednesday, City Council voted unanimously to rezone land it owns at the former 31-acre Hilltop Basic Resources site from RF-C Riverfront Commercial and RF-M Riverfront Manufacturing to RF-R Riverfront Residential-Recreational, a victory for local advocates who had been fighting the terminal proposal, citing light, noise, pollution, and other effects that might damage ongoing redevelopment in the area.

Motion: Changes require board to evaluate NSP, NBD programs

A report on a May 22 motion to create an advisory board to review and update guidelines related to the Neighborhood Support Program (NSP) and Neighborhood Business District Support Program (NBD) is due before City Council within the next three weeks.

Introduced by Councilmember P.G. Sittenfeld and signed by seven of the eight other councilmembers, the motion asks the City to look into the creation of an advisory board that would meet a minimum of once every four years. Appointments would be made by the City Manager and would include one member of City administration, one member of City Council, one community council president, one representative from Cincinnati Neighborhood Business Districts United, and the executive director or a member of the board of trustees of Invest In Neighborhoods.

Wrecking Cincinnati: 2322 Central Pw

USE: Single-family dwelling
OWNER: Bank of America NA
HAZARD: June 2011. Foreclosure.
CONDEMNED: October 2010, following a two-alarm fire on August 6, 2010 that severely damaged the structure. Criminal status.
ORDERS: July 2009, for gutters and downspouts, soffit, electrical service entrance cable, siding, exterior paint, porch, exterior handrail, plaster, doors, sink and fixtures, and electrical system.
REASON RAZED: Declared a public nuisance and entered into the City's hazard abatement program.

Federal Office of Water head gets tour of Mill Creek, solidifies partnership

The Mill Creek Restoration Project (MCRP) will receive a $50,000 Audubon Innovation Grant to delineate and recreate wetlands that have formed on sediment in the channelized sections of the urban waterway.

The grant was announced by MCRP Executive Director Robin Corathers during a tour of the Mill Creek with Nancy Stoner, acting assistant administrator with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (U.S. EPA) Office of Water, highlighting the MCRP's work in to restore its degraded habitat.

Region's first bike polo court opens near UC

Cincinnati's first bike polo court opened last Thursday with a ribbon-cutting and demonstration.

The Coy Bike Polo Court, located in University Heights, is also one of the few official bike polo courts in the country.

Fifteen more buildings declared a public nuisance

Following recent public hearings held by the Department of Community Development, Property Maintenance Code Enforcement, the following 15 buildings have been declared a public nuisance:

  • , West Price Hill (two-family, 1929)
  • , South Fairmount (single-family, 1888)
  • , Clifton Heights (mixed-use, 1880)
  • , Northside (single-family, 1904)
  • , Avondale (multi-family, 1895)
  • , South Fairmount (single-family, 1929)
  • , Westwood (single-family, 1909)
  • , West Price Hill (two-family, 1918)
  • , Walnut Hills (multi-family, 1900)
  • , Oakley (two-family, 1910)
  • , East End (single-family, 1888)
  • , Millvale (three-family, 1915)
  • , Westwood (two-family, 1916)
  • , Northside (three-family, 1884)
  • , East Price Hill (single-family, 1897)
A public nuisance declaration subjects these buildings to demolition by governmental action, pending historic review, the awarding of bids, and the issuance of permits.

Previous reading on BC:
Fourteen buildings, two garages declared a public nuisance (4/19/12)
Public nuisances declared (3/19/12)

Wrecking Cincinnati: 328 Erkenbrecher Ave

USE: Charity/hospital/retirement home
OWNER: Erkenbrecher Properties LLC (Ronald McDonald House)
ORDERS: June 2005, for porch guardrails. New orders in August 2007 for gutters and downspouts, exterior paint, windows, and porch guardrails. Foreclosed in late 2008, orders re-issued to Fannie Mae. Re-issued to current owner in March 2009. Re-issued May 2011.
REASON RAZED: Razed by adjacent property owner Ronald McDonald House, with no plans for the property announced.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Three NKY cities award best in preservation

The 2012 River Cities Preservation Awards were given out yesterday evening at the Sanctuary Event Center in Newport.

Part of National Preservation Month, the annual awards ceremony acknowledges outstanding preservation people and projects in the three Northern Kentucky Certified Local Government* cities of Bellevue, Covington, and Newport during the 2011 calendar year.

Bellevue winners include:

Wrecking Cincinnati: 6516 East Ledge St

NEIGHBORHOOD: Madisonville
USE: Single-family dwelling
OWNER: Edward Ibold McAndrews
HAZARD: September 2011.
CONDEMNED: July 2010, following heavy damage from a two-alarm fire. Owner deceased.
REASON RAZED: Declared a public nuisance and entered into the City's hazard abatement program.

Wrecking Cincinnati: 1900 Biegler St

NEIGHBORHOOD: South Fairmount
USE: Single-family dwelling
OWNER: John Hony
HAZARD: May 2011, adding unsafe retaining walls.
CONDEMNED: December 2009, for roof, walls, windows, gutters and downspouts, siding, rotten floors, chimney, missing or vandalized mechanicals, and litter and debris.
ORDERS: June 2008, ordered barricaded and vacated due to trespassers and vandalism. A criminal case was filed in December 2008.
REASON RAZED: Declared a public nuisance and entered into the City's hazard abatement program.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Public nuisance hearing, 5/25/12

The City of Cincinnati's Director of Buildings and Inspections will hold a public hearing Friday at 9 A.M. in the Main Conference Room of the Building Development and Permit Center, , to determine if the following buildings should be declared a public nuisance and entered into the City's hazard abatement program:

  • , Hartwell (industrial warehouse, 1892)
  • , East Price Hill (single-family, 1880)
  • , College Hill (multi-family, 1900)
  • , College Hill (single-family, 1865)
  • , West Price Hill (single-family, 1940)
  • , Mount Auburn (single-family, 1924)
  • , Sayler Park (single-family, 1890)
  • , Sedamsville (single-family, 1873)
  • , West Price Hill (single-family, 1925)
  • , Lower Price Hill (mixed-use, 1895)
  • , Hartwell (two-family, 1875)
  • , Northside (single-family, 1891)
  • , West Price Hill (single-family, 1961)
  • , Sedamsville (single-family, 1904)
  • , West Price Hill (single-family, 1922)
  • , West Price Hill (single-family, 1948)
  • , College Hill (single-family, 1914)
Anyone with pertinent information or evidence of any building's historic significance is encouraged to testify.

Previous reading on BC:
Public nuisance hearing, 3/30/12 (3/30/12)

Wrecking Cincinnati: 2325 Vine St

NEIGHBORHOOD: Clifton Heights
USE: Three-family dwelling
OWNER: Ricky E. Kindell
HAZARD: April 2010, now adding litter and debris, a cracked and separating foundation, deteriorated gutters and downspouts, and bricks falling into the public right-of-way. In the criminal case, a capias warrant for $1,000 was issued in March 2011. The case dismissed in April 2012.
CONDEMNED: October 2009, for damaged roof, cornice, stairs, windows, lack of paint, and lack of water and utilities. A criminal case was filed in March 2010.
ORDERS: January 2006, ordered barricaded due to windows on the upper floors being broken out. Ordered vacant in December 2006.
REASON RAZED: Declared a public nuisance and entered into the City's hazard abatement program.

Wrecking Cincinnati: 3915 Hillside Ave

USE: Single-family dwelling
OWNER: HBK Investments LLC
HAZARD: November 2008, adding roof and gutters. By late 2011, vermin had taken up residence.
CONDEMNED: November 2007, for trespassers, water damage, broken or missing windows and doors, an unstable exterior deck, a vandalized interior with holes in the walls and broken glass, weeds. Building part of bankruptcy proceedings.
REASON RAZED: Declared a public nuisance and entered into the City's hazard abatement program.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Study: Current phase of The Banks to have $91.6M annual economic impact

The University of Cincinnati Economic Center has released of , estimating an ongoing annual economic impact of $91.6 million from the new development.

The study, released by the development team of --> --> -->Carter --> --> -->, the and equity partner USAA Real Estate Company, also credits the construction of 300 apartments and 97,000 square feet of retail at the riverfront project with generating $556 million in construction-based impact on the local economy.

Construction of 'key' Kennedy Connector begins

Construction on the Kennedy Connector, that's expected to alleviate traffic on Ridge Road and provide better access from Madison Road to Interstate 71 northbound, began on Monday.

The first phase of the two-year, $30 million project began in three locations: On Ibsen Avenue, which will be closed between Marburg Avenue and Ridge Road and will be open on weekend afternoons; on Ibsen Avenue between Ridge and Madison roads, which will be closed until crews can install two new water mains later this summer; and at the intersection of Duck Creek Road and Kennedy Avenue, where a temporary roadway is being built so that construction crews can eventually build the new extension of Kennedy Avenue.

Newport dedicates, again, a park for hard working native

A new park on Newport's Westside, named after a city native, youth leader, and eventual political activist, was dedicated yesterday morning.

Tim Freudenberg Park, located at , replaces the original park that was dedicated to Freudenberg in 1993. That park was temporarily removed due to an ongoing redevelopment of the area being undertaken by the city and Neighborhood Foundations, formerly the Housing Authority of Newport.

Wrecking Cincinnati: 280 Stark St

NEIGHBORHOOD: Over-the-Rhine
USE: Two-family dwelling
OWNER: Donald Brown
CONDEMNED: February 2005, for a roof collapse, collapsing rear porches, deteriorated chimneys, deteriorated masonry walls, litter and debris. Unresolved. Ordered barricaded and vacated in September 2011. Some work done, but the building suffered $10,000 in damage following a one-alarm fire in January 2012.
REASON RAZED: Razed by the owner to close out orders.

Taft first Ohio high school to achieve LEED Platinum

The Robert A. Taft Information Technology High School in Cincinnati's West End has become the first high school in Ohio to receive LEED Platinum certification from the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC).

Completed in March 2011, the $18.4 million, 104,000-square-foot building, serving 600 students in grades 9 through 12, is the first building in the Cincinnati Public Schools (CPS) system to receive the honor.

Wyoming program to highlight inclines

Tomorrow evening at 7 P.M. at the , 225 Wyoming Avenue, the will present a free program highlighting Cincinnati's five inclines.

David Savage, who retired in 2007 as the longest-serving mayor in Wyoming history, will discuss the ingenious 19th century transportation system built to carry people and freight away from the smoke and noise of the City to the cleaner air in the early suburbs atop the hills. He'll also talk about the beer gardens and entertainment venues that popped up as a result.

Wrecking Cincinnati: 815 Chateau Ave

USE: Single-family dwelling
OWNER: CIT Group Consumer Finance Inc.
HAZARD: August 2010.
CONDEMNED: August 2009, for roof, gutters and downspouts, broken and missing windows, lack of exterior paint, lack of mechanicals, and litter and weeds.
ORDERS: May 2007, vacant, bank-owned building ordered barricaded. Re-issued in September 2007.
REASON RAZED: Declared a public nuisance and entered into the City's hazard abatement program.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Wrecking Cincinnati: 3726 Mead Ave

USE: Multi-family dwelling (4 units)
OWNER: SLT Properties LLC
HAZARD: March 2009, adding broken and missing windows, deteriorating gutters and downspouts, and lack of protective paint.
CONDEMNED: January 2009.
ORDERS: Dating to September 2007, but, in May 2008, ordered vacated and barricaded due to missing and vandalized mechanical systems and litter and debris. Much vandalism. A criminal case was filed in January 2009. The building had been lost in foreclosure, and the criminal case was dismissed by the prosecutor for want of prosecution.
REASON RAZED: Declared a public nuisance and entered into the City's hazard abatement program.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

'Cincinnati Spring' summit to bring City, neighborhoods together

The 2012 Neighborhood Summit will be held this Saturday from 8:30 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. at the School for Creative and Performing Arts, 108 W Central Parkway in Over-the-Rhine.

This year's program, called "Cincinnati Spring: Hearing Community Voices", is an opportunity for City officials, neighborhood organizations, and others interested in community and economic development to come together to discuss how best to meet the challenges we face as a City.

Wrecking Cincinnati: 3240 Gaff Ave

USE: Three-family dwelling
OWNER: Gerald Anderson
HAZARD: August 2009, adding gutters and downspouts, broken and missing windows, and water damage.
CONDEMNED: December 2007, now with a failing foundation as well. A criminal case was filed in March 2009, with the then-owner pleading not guilty. She was entered into the housing diversion program in August 2009. The case was dismissed in May 2011 due to, um, a new owner.
ORDERS: December 2002 for lack of heat, entry doors, plumbing leaks, a hole in the ceiling, electric fixtures, hall lighting, and exterior doors. Ordered vacated and barricaded in October 2004. Re-issued to new owners in September 2005, and again to a new owner in May 2006, and AGAIN to a new owner in February 2007. New owner in September 2007!
REASON RAZED: Declared a public nuisance and entered into the City's hazard abatement program.

Spots remain for free OTR FLAGS painting event this Saturday

Several spots remain for a free flag painting workshop this Saturday from 10:30 A.M. to 4 P.M. at Emanuel Community Center, 1308 Race Street.

The flags will be part of OTR FLAGS, a public art installation at Washington Park that will feature more than 100 hand-painted, 28" x 28" silk flags that will line the sidewalks surrounding the gazebo.

Cyclists ride buses for free tomorrow

In celebration of tomorrow's Bike to Work Day, bicycle commuters can ride free on Metro, Transit Authority of Northern Kentucky (TANK), and Clermont Transportation Connection when they transport their bikes on the buses' bike racks.

Metro and TANK will also be at the Bike to Work Day Celebration, from noon to 1 P.M. on Fountain Square, demonstrating the ease of biking and riding buses. Bike racks are located on the front of each bus and can accommodate two bicycles.

Landlord training this Friday

Cincinnati's latest landlord training session will be held Friday from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. at the United Way of Greater Cincinnati, 2400 Reading Road.

The comprehensive session is designed to help building owners and managers curb illegal drug activity and other chronic nuisances. The program has been adapted for Cincinnati and is based on the National Landlord Training Program, originally supported by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice.

Wrecking Cincinnati: 1514 West Fork Rd

USE: Single-family dwelling
OWNER: Hamilton County Board of County Commissioners
ORDERS: None since 2002.
REASON RAZED: Razed as part of the Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati's .

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Wrecking Cincinnati: 2736 Montreal Ave

USE: Single-family dwelling
OWNER: Dr, Steven Bowman
CONDEMNED: February 2012, open to trespassers, lacking utilities, and "deteriorated beyond repair".
REASON RAZED: Razed by the owner to close out building code orders.

Improvement district guru to speak here June 1

A San Diego-based business district manager who has been responsible for the creation of 61 improvement districts in the United States will be the featured speaker at part two of this year's Sustainable Hamilton County series, June 1 from 8 A.M. to noon at the Conference Center at Drake's Conference Rooms F and G.

Keynote speaker Marco Li Mandri is the current president of New City America, Inc. and is the manager of San Diego's Little Italy District.

Registration for int'l community development conference open

Registration is now open for the 2012 Community Development Society Annual International Conference, to be held July 21-25 at the Kingsgate Marriott Conference Center on the University of Cincinnati campus.

While the agenda is still being finalized, featured speakers are expected to include:

Wrecking Cincinnati: 1598 West Fork Rd

USE: Two-family dwelling
OWNER: Hamilton County Board of County Commissioners
ORDERS: None since 2003.
REASON RAZED: Razed as part of the Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati's .

Monday, May 14, 2012

Hartwell has new plan for Vine Street

Cincinnati's Hartwell neighborhood now has the first vision plan for its business district in more than 30 years.

In late April, City Council approved adoption of the Hartwell Neighborhood Business District (NBD) Plan, an action-based plan guiding the future of the neighborhood's 30-acre Vine Street business district.

City's LEED-CRA ordinance makes development 'attractive', but could use tweaks

Cincinnati's new Economic Development Director Odis Jones recommends continuing the City's LEED-CRA (Community Reinvestment Area) tax abatement program – with slight modifications.

Jones' analysis was contained in a report filed in response to a February motion by councilmembers Laure Quinlivan, Chris Seelbach, Wendell Young, and Vice Mayor Roxanne Qualls asking for a review of the City's experience with the six-year-old LEED-CRA ordinance.

'Road diet' for Liberty Street pursued

By early June, a report is due to Cincinnati City Council on the feasibility of a "road diet" redesign of .

At its May 9 meeting, councilmembers Chris Seelbach, Yvette Simpson, Wendell Young and Vice Mayor Roxanne Qualls introduced a motion asking the City's Department of Transportation and Engineering to look into changes to the heavily-trafficked corridor that could restore its pedestrian character and make it more attractive for mixed-use, sustainable redevelopment.

Wrecking Cincinnati: 3573 Glenwood Pl

USE: Two-family dwelling
OWNER: Terrence R. Dickey
HAZARD: January 2010, added siding pulling away from structure and evidence of foundation failure.
CONDEMNED: July 2009, for driveway retaining wall, rotted cornice, gutters and downspouts, litter and weeds. Criminal status.
REASON RAZED: Declared a public nuisance and entered into the City's hazard abatement program.

Quiet zones to be studied along heavy railroad corridor

Cincinnati will study the possibility of instituting quiet zones for train horns in the residential areas along the CSX railroad lines between Spring Grove Village and Hartwell.

City Council approved and filed a report by the City's Department of Transportation and Engineering (DOTE) suggesting a more focused study that would quantify the cost of implementation and the degree of coordination necessary with neighboring communities.

Cincinnati named Bicycle Friendly Community

For the first time in its history, the City of Cincinnati has been named a Bicycle Friendly Community by the League of American Bicyclists.

The bronze-level award recognizes the significant improvements made in the City's bicycle infrastructure and advocacy, following an extensive period of public outreach and engagement that resulted in 2010's comprehensive .

Urban Conservator meets today to review historic status of 16 buildings

The City of Cincinnati's Urban Conservator, Larry Harris, will hold a public hearing today at 2 P.M., Centennial Two, , Suite 720, to determine the historic significance of 16 buildings that were declared a public nuisance last month and entered into the City's hazard abatement program.

All of the following buildings are more than 50 years old and subject to review under Section 1101-57.1(1) of the Cincinnati Municipal Code:

  • , Avondale (Two-family, 1926)
  • , Avondale (Two-family, 1900)
  • , Evanston (Single-family, 1910)
  • , Madisonville (Single-family, 1895)
  • , North Fairmount (Two-family, 1870)
  • , Evanston (Multi-family, 1900)
  • , Evanston (Multi-family, 1900)
  • , Northside (garage only)
  • , Northside (Two-family, 1895)
  • , Northside (Multi-family, 1900)
  • , Mount Auburn (garage only)
  • , Sedamsville (Three-family, 1865)
  • , Clifton Heights (Single-family, 1865)
  • , Evanston (Single-family, 1895)
  • , Lower Price Hill (Multi-family, 1900)
  • , East Price Hill (Single-family, 1897)
Anyone with pertinent information or evidence of any of these buildings' historic significance is encouraged to testify. A finding of historic significance can prevent a building from being demolished.

Previous reading on BC:
Urban Conservator meets today to review historic status of 14 buildings (4/16/12)
Public hearing today: Historic or not? (3/19/12)

Wrecking Cincinnati: 261 Renner St

NEIGHBORHOOD: Over-the-Rhine
USE: Single-family dwelling
OWNER: BAH Real Estate Services LLC
HAZARD: June 2009, adding roof, gutters/downspouts, and moisture damage to the stone foundation.
CONDEMNED: March 2009 for missing/vandalized mechanicals, litter and debris. Building lost in bankruptcy in late 2011, as a contract for sale or a transfer to OTR A.D.O.P.T. failed to go through.
ORDERS: Already vacant in May 2002, ordered barricaded and kept vacant. Re-issued in August 2004, plans to rehabilitate the property. Re-issued again in December 2006. A criminal case was filed in May 2007, but dismissed in November 2009 by request of the prosecutor.
REASON RAZED: Declared a public nuisance and entered into the City's hazard abatement program.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Council gives Green Cincinnati Plan teeth

At its meeting on May 2, Cincinnati City Council took several steps to re-energize the implementation of its .

The first step was the appointment of new members to a steering committee, charged with making recommendations to Council on how to grow that plan. The steering committee's members include:

Clifton homes open for Mother's Day

Some of Clifton's most architecturally interesting homes will be open to the public this Sunday from 1 P.M. to 5 P.M. during the 2012 Clifton House Tour.

The tour, held every three years on Mother's Day, will feature ten homes ranging from Victorian to Modern.

Celebrate trains at Museum Center tomorrow

Cincinnati Museum Center is planning several activities tomorrow in celebration of National Train Day.

Among the attractions are:
  • Free, 45-minute tours showcasing the construction, architecture and art of Union Terminal, including the world-famous mosaic murals, President's Office, Amtrak waiting room, and Rookwood Tea Room. Tours are held at noon, 1 P.M., 2 P.M., and 3 P.M.

Wrecking Cincinnati: 1701 West Fork Rd

USE: Two-family dwelling
OWNER: Hamilton County Board of County Commissioners
REASON RAZED: Razed as part of the Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati's .

Council approves CRA LEED tax exemptions in OTR, University Heights

On May 2, Cincinnati City Council unanimously approved two Community Reinvestment Area (CRA) LEED tax exemption agreements.

The first agreement, with Starbuck-Pape Family Ltd., will facilitate a $1.2 million redevelopment of in Over-the-Rhine into four residential units, 3,000 square feet of office space, and 5,700 square feet of retail space.

Wrecking Cincinnati: 2941 W McMicken Ave

USE: Single-family dwelling
OWNER: Jeremy Malcolm
REASON RAZED: Unknown. Code orders for tall grass and weeds only.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Wrecking Cincinnati: 1728 Carll St

NEIGHBORHOOD: North Fairmount
USE: Single-family dwelling
OWNER: Hamilton County Board of County Commissioners
ORDERS: September 2011, ordered barricaded in preparation for demolition.
REASON RAZED: Razed as part of the Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati's .

Wrecking Cincinnati: 3459 Burnet Ave

USE: Commercial
OWNER: NTP Development LLC
REASON RAZED: Razed as part of the Burnet Avenue Revitalization Strategy.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

'Dated and stark' St. Paul Village apts. now 'beautiful and well-appointed'

St. Paul Village, a community for low-income seniors at 5515 Madison Road in Madisonville, celebrated the completion of its 103-unit, $13 million first phase of renovations on May 1.

The 14-month project to turn around the dated and worn 1970s apartments, performed by the Model Group, includes not only new finishes, but new energy-efficient windows, new plumbing, and a new geothermal heating and cooling system. New elevators and ramps make the apartments more accessible.

Cincinnati Bike Center opens on riverfront

The Cincinnati Bike Center opened on Sunday morning at Smale Riverfront Park, 120 E Mehring Way.

In addition to bicycle and Segway rentals, the center offers bicycle repair services, secure bicycle parking, and shower and locker facilities. Daily guided bicycle and Segway tours are also available.

Wrecking Cincinnati: 1988 Queen City Ave

NEIGHBORHOOD: South Fairmount
USE: Single-family dwelling
OWNER: TC Funding Group LLC
HAZARD: December 2010, added a deteriorated front porch.
CONDEMNED: May 2010. In criminal status, although the owner has not been cooperative.
ORDERS: February 2009, for siding, service entrance electrical cable, soffit, and gutters and downspouts. Ordered barricaded and vacated in January 2010, now with missing or vandalized mechanicals, broken windows, and trash.
REASON RAZED: Declared a public nuisance and entered into the City's hazard abatement program.

Wrecking Cincinnati: 4314 Hays Ave

USE: Single-family dwelling
OWNER: Hamilton County Board of County Commissioners
REASON RAZED: Razed as part of the Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati's .

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