USE: Two-family dwelling
OWNER: Bank of America N.A.
HAZARD: August 2010. A criminal case was filed in 2010 and the owner was entered into a compliance program, but that was revoked in June 2011, with the owner receiving a 180-day suspended sentence, one year of probation, a court costs. He eventually lost the property in foreclosure to Fannie Mae, and it was picked up by Bank of America N.A. three weeks ago.
CONDEMNED: September 2004, due to the fire damage that left the roof open and the interior exposed to the weather. The owner at the time strung the City along with promises of rehabilitation, then found a buyer and unloaded the property. The orders were reissued in July 2005 and, following a period of dealing with the insurance company and a lender, a loan was secured and enough work was performed to close out the condemnation orders. As of September 2007, still kept vacated and barricaded. Condemned again in August 2009, deteriorated roof, gutters and downspouts, masonry in need of tuck pointing, broken and missing windows, lack of exterior paint, and litter and debris. No utility service.
ORDERS: May 2004, ordered vacated and barricaded due to fire damage.
REASON RAZED: Declared a public nuisance and entered into the City's hazard abatement program. The lot can be purchased for $1,500.