USE: Multi-family dwelling (37 units)
OWNER: Howard G. Thiemann
ORDERS: November 2010, for plaster, paint, lack of smoke detectors, and inadequate space beneath the sinks. Orders were reissued in September 2011, adding water leaks and damage, fire separations, exterior doors, foundation, rotted porch, masonry failure, soffit, cornice, gutters and downspouts. Chimney and windows added in November 2011. In January 2012, the orders were reissued. In March 2012, Apt. 14 was ordered vacated due a ceiling collapse that introduced raw sewage. Two months later, orders were reissued with worn stair treads and filthy hallways added.
HAZARD: June 2012, entered voluntarily. In addition to the orders listed above, the property has been cited for mold, lack of fire egress, exposed wires, a lack of hot water, and faulty radiators, as well as exposed and flaking lead paint and a bed bug infestation. Since 2002, the property has been cited 15 times for litter, including junk cars and furniture.
REASON RAZED: According to Local12, Thiemann offered the building to the community for demolition following an increase in drug and prostitution activity, saying that he didn't want to be known as a problem landlord. The property will remain green space, with a decorative wall, trees, and flowers.