Friday, February 29, 2008

'Life Peace Zones' for Ohio, Cincinnati?

Steven Gerard Sidlovsky, S.F.O. thinks a statewide option for pro-life zoning is a good idea, and he wants Cincinnati's support in drafting the bill.

In a recent letter to City Council, Sidlovsky introduces the concept of the Life Peace Zone, a new zoning designation that would be available to any community in the state of Ohio if a proposed Ohio Bill for Life makes it through the state legislature.

The legislation would work as an umbrella overlay, preventing the construction of any clinic or other medical facility that provides abortions from setting up a practice in that area.

Any clinic already in operation would be forced to cease operations, though Sidlovsky says that the neighborhood could "peacefully and diplomatically encourage" the clinic to undergo a change of practice.

Sidlovsky estimates that 25 percent of pro-choice people will be supportive of the Life Peace Zone as a "Constitutional right".

In the letter, Sidlovsky says that people have been generally optimistic about what he calls an Interfaith, all-partisan idea.

"This receptivity leads me to conclude that many cities throughout Ohio and the rest of the United States would welcome establishing themselves as Life Peace Zones," he said.

Sidlovsky visited nine Cincinnati neighborhoods in 2007 and three in 2008, and is urging residents to send letters of support to their community council presidents.

His letter to Council has been referred to the City Manager's office for a report, which is due by March 19.

Sidlovsky is an adjunct instructor at the University of Cincinnati's Department of Mathematical Sciences.

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