Monday, November 16, 2009

Wrecking Cincinnati, 11/16/09

DOB: 1870
Died: July 2009
Cause of death: Multiple exterior code violations, extremely blighted.

Saddled with orders since at least 2002, the owner could not afford repairs and tried to get assistance from --> --> -->People Working Cooperatively --> --> -->. Eventually, she quit answering calls and replying to door hangers left by City inspectors. The case went to court, and she was entered into a diversion program.

God's Bible School and College purchased the property in May 2009 for $10,000, part of the college's strategy of buying and razing dilapidated houses on the streets around its campus.


Anonymous said...

What does "Cause of death: Multiple exterior code violations, extremely blighted." mean?

Does exterior mean cosmetic?

What is meant by extremely blighted?

What were the health and safety issues?

Kevin LeMaster said...

What it means is that the house likely could have been saved and housed someone.

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