Wednesday, April 28, 2010

ODOT to set new speed limit for stretch of River Road?

To many, a commute into Downtown Cincinnati via River Road is taking one's life into one's own hands.

As part of the design work for the $64 million Waldvogel Viaduct replacement, the City of Cincinnati's Department of Transportation and Engineering performed a speed study of the segment .

The study found that the posted speed limit of 50 mph is "greater than is reasonable or safe" for the roadway.

To remedy the problem, City Council has passed a resolution requesting the director of the Ohio Department of Transportation, Jolene Molitoris, to determine and declare a reasonable and safe speed limit. The resolution was necessary before the state can complete the official process.

Previous reading on BC:
Cincinnati taking action on roadway improvements (11/3/09)
Cincinnati makes decisions on Waldvogel, Hamilton (7/2/09)
Cincinnati passes ordinance for Waldvogel relocations (6/15/09)
Cincinnati endorses Brent Spence project policy guidelines (6/10/09)
Cincinnati approves Waldvogel appropriations (5/14/09)
Waldvogel appropriations passed by committee (5/6/09)


Steve said...

Seriously? They can make it 30 and people will still go 90.

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