Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Northside properties to be acquired for road project

Cincinnati has voted unanimously to acquire several Northside properties it needs to continue improvements to Colerain Avenue, a project scheduled to begin next spring.

A total of 40 properties will be impacted by the project, which includes a reconstruction, widening, and addition of a center turn lane along 0.23 miles of Colerain Avenue and the vacation and realignment of Lambston Avenue.

As part of the $2.6 million project, construction crews will also install a new water main, storm sewer, sidewalks, tree lawn, and traffic control devices. An off-street parking lot will be built to make up for the loss of on-street parking.

Approximately a dozen structures on the eastern side of Colerain Avenue will be demolished.

South of the project area, improvements to the Colerain Avenue, Virginia Avenue and West Fork Road intersection were completed last year.

Previous reading on BC:
Preferred alternative for Phase 2 Colerain improvements presented to Northside community (5/26/09)
Northside: Colerain-West Fork-Virginia improvements (4/11/07)


Radarman said...

These very expensive improvements address problems that largely disappeared when the cross county highway opened, taking much commuter traffic off of Colerain Avenue. There is mild buildup at rush hour. Hameltown, the intersection of Colerain, West Fork, and Virginia, was once a retail center. It was wiped out for the never-built Colerain modified expressway, about which Tom Luken still has wet dreams.

Ryan L said...

This 0.23 mile improvement is costing the city $11.3 million per mile. And this is to do what? Create a turn lane? Ridiculous. What is the return on investment for this project? Will there even be a return on investment? Demolishing buildings and making a street wider does not spur development and never will. I can see this giving the city nothing in return and ultimately just costing more money as we now have more road improvements to make.

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